The Fastest Political Figure on the Planet…For Now.

Let me first start by saying, this is not a political blog by any stretch of the imagination, but when I heard about Russian Prime Minister and former President Vladimir Putin jumping into the cockpit of a F1 race machine, I couldn’t help but share it with my readers.

Now you may be asking yourself, “Why did he do this?” and “Are we going to see our own President neck and neck with Jeff Gordon on a NASCAR track?” Well to answer the first question, apart from any political grandstanding that we’ve seen from the former Russian Prez in the past (remember, I know as much about politics as I do about knitting), it really has to do with bringing Formula One Grand Prix to Russia. Specifically, Putin told investors that an agreement has been signed for Russia, particularly the city of Sochi, to host at least seven Formula One GPs. That’s good news for Russian economy and Russian Racing in general.

Why do we care here in Cincinnati? Meh, maybe we don’t as a whole seeing as NASCAR has a pretty good hold on American Race fans. But, If you are a Formula One junkie, then that means new tracks, new exotic locations and more races!

Oh and the answer to the second question about President Obama jumping in for a spin himself? Well the answer is probably, “No.” Unless, of course, he is flanked by a bulletproof Secret Service entourage…but it sure would be pretty cool to see don’t you think?



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