Check Out These May Cincinnati Events

May events are flocking to Cincinnati, Ohio as people are sure to catch their favorite comedy routine or musical act hit the stage for a night of great entertainment. Whether you live in Cincinnati or you are only passing through to purchase a new vehicle at a  car dealership in Cincinnati, you can stop in at one of these events to have a fun time.

May Events

May 5th: Public Library’s Comic Con

Get your comic books out and ready to the Comic Con held at the public library. You can check out the exhibits, trade comic books, engage in photo ops and listen to discussion panels featuring illustrators and writers. The Comic Con will be on May 5th from 1pm to 5pm at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. Visit here for more information or call 513-369-6900.

May 5th: Limp Bizkit

Rock out to your favorite rock and rap band, Limp Bizkit as they take the stage by storm. Sing to your favorite songs on Sunday, May 5th at 8pm as this popular music group will be playing at Bogarts. Get your ticketsnow before they run out of seats.

May 9th: Lyle Lovett

Country-rock enthusiasts will be looking forward to seeing Lyle Lovett play his unique blend of music when he visits Cincinnati this May. Lyle Lovett and his Acoustic Group will be at the Taft Theater on Thursday, May 9th at 8pm. Findyour tickets today.

May 11th: Tracy Morgan

Have a bunch of laughs as you watch Tracy Morgan on stage as his improv show is sure to leave your sides hurting with laughter. He will be heading to Cincinnati on Saturday, May 11th at Bogarts as you can still get tickets for his 7pm show. Don’t miss out on seeing this favorite TV personality as you can get more information here.

May 15th: Sunset Boulevard

As the weather starts heating up outside, find a place to cool down while watching a great theater performance as you catch Sunset Boulevard on stage. You can watch this performance on Wednesday, May 15th at 7:30pm at the Aronoff Center for the Arts. It will be a great performance as a silent movie star tries to regain her fame and time on the big screen as it leads to tragic results. Find out more information about Sunset Boulevard as well as tickets here.

Have A Great Time In Cincinnati

Don’t miss out on the wonderful events Cincinnati will host this May. Get you vehicle tuned up at your Cincinnati used car dealership so you can drive to your favorite concert event or comedy act.

What Will You Dangle from Your Rear View Mirror?

There are a lot of fun things out there that you can dangle from your interior rear-view mirror, but some choices are better than others. Here we’ll look at the aesthetic and practical reasons to hang whatever you like from the mirror on your windshield.

Fuzzy Dice

Fuzzy dice are a classic. How’d they catch on? Who knows. Kind of weird when you think about it, right? Why are the dice so big and fuzzy? In any event, fuzzy dice are fun, but they can prove a distraction. If you always find yourself eyeing them while driving around, then you may want to consider getting a smaller pair or replacing them with something else.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners come in just about every scent imaginable and you should be able to pick one up at the new car dealerships in Cincinnati. From pine to peppermint to pepperoni pizza. Air fresheners can make your car smell fresh or like some fond childhood memory. Some people prefer to scent their car with fine cigars or a girlfriend’s perfume/boyfriend’s cologne, but the classic air-freshener is a great way to do it in a classic, iconic sort of way.

Beads, Tassles and Chains

Anything ropey, stringy or just really long and dangly can add a festive look to your car, just make sure that it’s not going to whip around and hit you in the face on those tight corners. Give your dangler a test drive in a parking lot and see how it reacts. If it flies around wildly then it may be a liability when you’re out on the road.

Finding the decor to suit your car and your personality shouldn’t be difficult, it’s just a matter of finding what works for you. Whether that means a pleasant little scented pine tree or a Halloween decoration you bought last October, it’s all about finding something you like, and that doesn’t distract you from the road. No matter how cool your rear-view hanger may look, driving safe should take precedence.

There’s No Place Like Home. Cincinnati Reds Opening Day is Almost Here!

Some consider it the official start of spring. It is baseball’s opening day and believe it or not, it is quickly approaching. For those at our Superior auto dealerships in Cincinnati, it can’t get here fast enough. The disappointing end to last season along with a persistent winter has us all ready for the crack of the bat and the roar of the crowd. A filled Great American Ballpark will be a welcomed sight for all.

Opening Day is special throughout all of baseball, but nowhere is it as special as here in Cincinnati. It is special in part because the Reds have not hosted opening day only 4 times in their lengthy history. For 2013, the Reds will again be opening at home. This time opening day has a new twist as the Reds and Los Angeles Angels will meet in the first inter-league opening day game in baseball history. There are those who anticipate the season could end with this very same matchup as both teams could make it to the World Series. That would also be history.

This year’s opener will take place on Monday April 1st, following the traditional opening day parade. The parade steps off at noon and will feature former Reds star George Foster. First pitch is scheduled at 4:10pm. The Angels bring superstar Albert Pujols to Cincinnati along with former Red Josh Hamilton.

The Reds have locked in some key players and the 2013 season is as anticipated as any other. Off-season acquisitions that included outfielder Shin Soo Choo have ramped it up even more. It should be a fun year down by the riverfront and we hope to see you there.

If baseball has you thinking springtime, it may also have you thinking about getting a new car. We invite you out to Superior Acura, Superior Hyundai North or South, and Superior Kia. If you are thinking pre-owned, the place for used cars in Cincinnati is Mike Albert Direct.

Yes, warmer weather will eventually arrive for good. The smell of hot dogs and freshly mowed grass is almost upon us. The sound of cheering crowds and vendors hawking peanuts and popcorn is just days away. It is opening day in Cincinnati, Ohio and there is no place like home.

Ohio Roadside Attractions You Don’t Want To Miss

When you are looking for a new or used cars in Cincinnati, you may spot something along the roadside that deserves a closer look. Dotted all along the highways of Ohio are wondrous roadside attractions that appeal to travelers on vacation or just the local passer-by driving to a new location. Take a look at the following roadside attractions you’ll find in this state.

World’s Largest Horseshoe Crab

Be careful the next time you call someone a big crab. They may take you to actually see how large a crab can be. In Blanchester, you will find the world’s largest horseshoe crab. Affectionately nicknamed “Crabby,” the horseshoe crab is 28 feet wide and 68 feet long as weddings and movies have been performed under the enormous shell. Currently the horseshoe crab attraction is owned by the Freedom Worship Baptist Church who took the donated crab when the nautical museum that was going to display it went bankrupt.

Armstrong Air And Space Museum

Boldly go where only a few men have dared to go. If you love everything about outer space, then visit the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum located in Wapakoneta. You’ll probably spot the glowing planetarium dome as you are driving by and wonder if aliens have landed. Look around the museum dedicated to space travel as it honors the space missions of our heroic astronauts.

Pumpkin Water Tower

If you blink too fast, you might actually miss it. Located in Circleville, the Pumpkin Capital of the World, it took 13 hundred gallons of paint to decorate the water tower into a gigantic pumpkin with a stem. Check out this giant gourd as you are driving to your Cincinnati car dealer. The dealers will probably be amazed to hear about your roadside travels.

World’s Largest Cuckoo Clock

You won’t be going bonkers when you see the robotic milkmaids and the giant cuckoo clock bird popping out of the large clock. Drive out to the Amish country in Walnut Creek and you’ll spot the cuckoo clock on top of an Amish restaurant and cheese shop. Your family will delight in the clock as you won’t want to leave.

Statue Of Mary

Some roadside attractions can be missed if you aren’t looking for them. In Windsor, you can find a 55-foot tall statue of Mary sitting in the parking lot of the Servants of Mary Center of Peace. Holding illuminating beads, Mary stands perched on angel wings while sitting on a cloud.

Find These Great Attractions In Ohio

Ohio isn’t just an ordinary state to pass through as you travel to other destinations. It holds mysteries and wonders along its roadsides if you take the moment to look for them.

How To Travel With Your Pet In Your New Car

Going on a road trip and bringing the family pet along for the first time? Your Cincinnati car dealers have some suggestions that will help make your vacation flow a lot smoother now that you have decided to bring your fury pal along. If you are planning a long trip during the holidays, take him to the vet and make sure he is current on all of his shots and vaccines. Make sure that he has his rabies vaccine tag and the documented paperwork might not be a bad idea if you plan on day-boarding him.

Also, make sure that he has a current ID tag on his collar with his name, your name and home and cell phone numbers. Having your cell phone number on his ID tag is wise because if for some reason your little pooch gets separated from you while you are out of town and he needs to get in touch with you, you will be on your cell, not at home. Just like us human folk, our four legged friends need to be considered when it comes to safety restraint. So think about getting a dog harness for riding in the car, if you don’t have one already. They are available at most pet stores or on-line.

Make sure that you have plenty of dog food and any medication that will last the duration of the trip. Also, if you want to be really prepared, you may want to bring bottled water as some animals get sick when drinking water they are not accustomed to. Also, don’t forget to pack lots of goodies and snacks, several favorite toys, food bowls, leashes, and plastic “potty”bags for cleaning up.

The day has come for your big departure – the family is on the road. Make sure to keep the car well ventilated and the temperature cool. We don’t want anyone getting overheated. As you’re traveling, I would try to stop every 2-3 hours to let your doggie out to walk around and relieve himself. I would also offer him some water at these times. Whatever you do, do not leave the little guy in a parked car by himself, even with the window cracked in the shade. This can be very dangerous, even fatal.

Your Cincinnati car dealers love our four legged friends, if you have any other tips you’d like to share, leave them in the comments section below.

Cincinnati Cars: Yield To Traffic Exiting A Freeway

OK, It’s time to air a little pet peeve of ours here at your Cincinnati Car dealers, The Superior Automotive Group.

Question: One car is exiting a freeway ramp, a second car is traveling on the service road directly adjacent to the exit ramp. Both cars come to a meeting point where the service road and the exit ramp merge. Who has the right of way?

Answer: Drivers on an access or feeder road are required to yield to vehicles exiting a highway.

Simple enough, right? Apparently not. There is nothing that frustrates me more as a driver than, when exiting a freeway, I have to jockey for position on the feeder, or service road. When you’re coming off the roadway, you don’t have a lot of choice on where you go. Drivers’ failure to yield leads to accidents because of high speeds and those wrecks can be serious. Think of it this way, you’ve got somebody going 60 (mph) and someone sitting still, it could cause a bad accident or even a fatal accident.

Watch how close this person is to getting in what would have, no doubt, been a very serious, or even fatal accident.

The bottom line here people is that a YIELD sign isn’t a suggestion, it the law. A very important law that is designed to keep YOU safe! Take the extra second and yield to traffic exiting a freeway. If you don’t you may be seeing your Cincinnati Car Dealers, the Superior Automotive Group sooner than you’d like for repairs or to replace that car you just totaled.

How to Prepare Your Cincinnati Car For A Road Trip

Summer is here and it’s gonna’ be a hot one! Your Cincinnati car dealers, The Superior Automotive Group want to remind you that if you are preparing to take your Cincinnati car on the road this summer, there are a few things that you are going to want to do to ensure that you have a trouble free trip.

Maintaining your fluids is paramount this time of year. Make sure you check all of them before you leave. Oil, transmission, brake and steering fluids are easy to check and relatively easy to maintain. If you are the least bit handy in the automotive department, then changing these fluids yourself will save you a little extra cash you can use on your trip.

Proper tire pressure is also an easy thing to check and maintain. Improperly inflated tires can lead to poor gas mileage, decreased braking power, poor handling and possibly a tire failure. Checking the air pressure in your tires is very easy to do, you just have to remember to do it! Next time you get gas would be a great time.

Check out the video below for some other tips and hints on what to do, and what to bring as you prepare to hit the road for your summer road trip.

If you feel that your Cincinnati car needs a little extra attention before you hit the road, don’t hesitate to bring it by any Superior Automotive location so we can give it the once over. There is a good chance that we may catch something you did not. Besides, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Being stranded on the side of the highway, baking in the hot Summer sun doesn’t sound like too much fun to me.

Games To Play On Road Trips In Cincinnati Cars


Summer is in full swing, the kids are out of school and that road trip you’ve been planning for months is quickly set to start. All of us at your Cincinnati Car Dealers, The Superior Automotive Group remember when Mom and Dad would pack the family truckster to the gills, load all of  us rascals into the back and hit the highway for a cross country jaunt. Of course we’d make all of the classic stops, that Giant Hole Dad was so impressed with somewhere out west (Grand Canyon), the world’s largest ball of twine to satisfy Mom’s knitting addiction and of course the various snake and reptile farms we’d make them stop at along the way.

Of course, while we weren’t at one of the many stops on our road trips, we were crammed in the back seat trying to keep ourselves occupied until it was time to stop again. Back then we didn’t have all of the technological do-dads kids have today. We had to either invent games, or play a few that were already developed by the hordes of other little travelers that came before us.

In an effort to recapture some of those wonderful road trip memories, I did a brief search for a few of the old time favorite games. I found exactly what I was looking for at Boy’s Life Magazine. Remember that rag, Boy Scouts? Jackpot! I found most of the old games we used to play.


For long trips, the License Plate Game might be the thing. In this version, call out letters from the license plates you see, then make as many ridiculous phrases as possible. For example, AST = Aardvarks Singling Tenderly or After-School Trampolining. You get the idea.

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The Alphabet Game is good along roads with a lot of signs. Find a word with an “A,” call it out, then look for a word with “B” and so on. First one to the end of the alphabet wins. You might want to skip trying to find “Q” and “Z.” Or not.

road trip games, road trip, cincinnati drivers, Acura Dealer Cincinnati, cincinnati car dealer, declaration of independence, Honda Dealer Cincinnati, Hyundai Dealer Cincinnati, Kia Dealer Cincinnati, New Acura Cincinnati, New car Cincinnati, New Car Dealerships in Cincinnati, new cars Cincinnati, New Honda Cincinnati, New Hyundai Cincinnati, New Kia Cincinnati, Superior Automotive Group, Used Car Dealer Cincinnati, Used Car Dealerships Cincinnati, Used Cars Cincinnati


Another game with graph paper is Infinite Tic-Tac-Toe. In this game, the first person to get five in a row wins, and there are no borders except for the edge of the page.


Use graph paper for a couple of travel games. With Lines and Dots, draw lines on the paper. Take turns drawing one side of a square at a time, trying to make boxes. When you complete a box, put your initials in it. Whoever makes the most boxes in 15 minutes or so wins.

road trip games, road trip, cincinnati drivers, Acura Dealer Cincinnati, cincinnati car dealer, declaration of independence, Honda Dealer Cincinnati, Hyundai Dealer Cincinnati, Kia Dealer Cincinnati, New Acura Cincinnati, New car Cincinnati, New Car Dealerships in Cincinnati, new cars Cincinnati, New Honda Cincinnati, New Hyundai Cincinnati, New Kia Cincinnati, Superior Automotive Group, Used Car Dealer Cincinnati, Used Car Dealerships Cincinnati, Used Cars CincinnatiI SPY

In I Spy, pick out something you see nearby (that other players can also see), but keep what it is to yourself. Say, “I spy with my little eye …” and then provide one description of the object. For instance, with the windshield wipers you might say, “I spy something long” or “something black.” After each hint, players take a turn guessing what the object is.

road trip games, road trip, cincinnati drivers, Acura Dealer Cincinnati, cincinnati car dealer, declaration of independence, Honda Dealer Cincinnati, Hyundai Dealer Cincinnati, Kia Dealer Cincinnati, New Acura Cincinnati, New car Cincinnati, New Car Dealerships in Cincinnati, new cars Cincinnati, New Honda Cincinnati, New Hyundai Cincinnati, New Kia Cincinnati, Superior Automotive Group, Used Car Dealer Cincinnati, Used Car Dealerships Cincinnati, Used Cars CincinnatiROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS AND 20 QUESTIONS

Rock-Paper-Scissors and 20 Questions hardly need explaining. There are variations of these games, such as Foot-Cockroach-Nuclear Bomb, and 20 Questions about movies you’ve seen or books you’ve read, instead of some random object.

Remember these when you were a kid? Now that you have kids of your own, try to play a few of these on your next road trip. I know, your kids are going to bemoan having their iWhatevers ripped out of their hands, but these games really are fun. You can play along with them and spend a little quality time with your kids aside from being trapped in the car with them for hours on end. Who knows, you might have a few great memories awakened of your summer vagabonding trips to see the World’s Largest Pepperoni Pizza.

If any of you Cincinnati drivers out there have any other road trip games you’d like to share with the rest of the Superior Automotive Group‘s customers and readers of this blog, leave your suggestions in the comments section below…Bon Voyage!

Cincinnati Car Dealer: Are You Prepared For A Breakdown…In The Dark?

All of us here at this Cincinnati car dealer group, know  that there’s nothing more frustrating than being stranded after a breakdown, or a flat. Throw in pitch black darkness, and now you have a frustrating situation mixed with absolute danger. How do you alert on-coming traffic that you are there? For the sake of argument, let’s just assume that you are a prepared traveler and have a few road flares in your trunk “somewhere”.  Road safety lighting can be invaluable. Of course I hope you never have to use them, but if you do you’ll want the most noticeable lighting you can get…that is not necessarily traditional flares. Ever heard of Duroflares? I haven’t, until today. The unit is roughly four-inch-square of aluminum with an LED tinted red or blue, it’s waterproof and can support up to 20,000 pounds. In other words, it would take a loaded semi to crush them.

Powered by a rechargeable lithium ion cell, the Duroflares come in a box that acts as both a charger and the on/off switch: take them out, they come on, plug them back in, they turn off. They’re a little on the pricey side at $180, but if you spend a lot of time on the side of the road these might be for you.

Pretty cool, huh? What do you think? Is your roadside worth $180? Would you carry these? The Superior Auto Group is always concerned about driver safety. If you have any other products or suggestions you can share with the rest of our readers, please do.

Cincinnati New Cars: Is Sleepy Driving is a Problem

It’s late and time to go home after a really amazing dinner at your favorite restaurant. You might be feeling a little relaxed, maybe a bit fatigued after a long day at work, but you are sure that driving is not going to be a problem. Besides you live only a few miles away. You jump in your car full and relaxed and the next thing you realize is that Road Hypnotism has sent in and you are drifting in and out of your lane. What do you do? Before you answer, read below:

A recent study conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center found Drowsy driving crashes can be hard to detect due to difficult and unreliable reporting, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates there are about 100,000 sleep-related crashes per year and 1,550 fatalities.

After staying awake for 24 hours straight, a person will be about as impaired as if he had had enough alcohol to be legally drunk in most states, a study says. Australian researchers tested 40 people to create a “blood alcohol equivalent” for different levels of impairment from sleeplessness.In one experiment, participants stayed awake for 28 hours. In the other, they drank alcohol every half hour until they reached a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10 percent. That’s the drunken-driving standard in most American states.

Every half hour, the subjects took a computerized test of hand-eye coordination.

Results showed that after 24 hours of sleeplessness, participants were about as impaired as they were at the 0.10 percent level of blood alcohol. After 17 hours, they were about as impaired as they were with an alcohol level of 0.05 percent, which many Western countries define as legally drunk, the researchers said.

The State of New Jersey has now made any injury crash involving fatigue, a felony.

The only way to combat drowsy driving is to pull over and rest for the evening, or take an extended nap. This is it. Don’t rely on coffee or energy drinks. Eating will just make you even more sleepy….the bottom line is PULL OVER and REST. Chances are if you neglect to ad hear to this very simple requirement, you will end up on the side of the road much like the guy in the video below.

Thankfully, he wasn’t killed. But it’s hard to deny the importance of not driving drowsy.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. The Superior Automotive Group want you to keep the roadways safe for everyone.