It’s road trip time, what should you bring?

With Spring Break upon us, and only a couple months until summer starts, you may be taking a trip soon.  You’ve picked your destination, planned your route, and are getting ready for the long drive, but did you bring everything that you should?  There is more to pack than your luggage and enough snack foods to fill a vending machine in order to get ready for a road trip.  The more you plan ahead, the smoother and more driver-friendly your trip will become.

The best thing to do before you start packing is to make a checklist so you don’t forget anything. There’s an article on that has a great list of things to do before you embark on your trip that I think covers some of the things you may not think about.

Prepare Your Vehicle
You not only want to make sure that you have all the necessary documents and supplies for the road trip, but you want to make sure that the vehicle you are taking is prepared for the trip. Make sure that the oil has been changed, no repairs are needed and the tires are prepared for the trip. Additionally, make sure that you have a spare tire in case of an emergency and an emergency repair kit with items like a car jack and safety flares.

Your should not only have directions to your desired location, but you should also have a road map in case you get lost. Print out directions from a variety of locations. You can be sure that you have the best possible route for your trip and that you have a map in case the directions are not clear or you have taken a wrong turn.

Schedule Your Overnight Stays In Advance
Know where you are stopping and be sure to schedule lodgings well in advance. You don’t want to plan to stop for the night only to realize that the hotel is booked. If possible, you should not only schedule your reservations in advance, but you should also tentatively plan meal stops and rest stops.

Stick to a Budget
Make a budget for the road trip so that you don’t end up spending more than you want. Keep track of receipts so that you know exactly how much you are spending.

Bring the Meds
If you or your family members is taking any medication, be sure to take this with you and to keep it in a safe place. Also, be sure to bring toiletries and emergency medicine like aspirin. Nothing is worse than having a headache when you’re trying to travel.

Remember to make sure you’re ready for anything out on the road.  Road trips are a great way for bonding and seeing new and exciting things, so make sure you enjoy the road.  Also, drive safely, and if you start to get tired, either switch driving duties with someone who is capable.  What are some of your essential road trip items?  Let me know in the comments!

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  • It's road trip time, what should you bring? | Superior Car Talk | College Park Metro Auto

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